Lets work together to make Mystic an even better place!!!!

My name is Arnaud Bourgeois I'm the VP of MHA (Mystic Host Association).

I reside on Gravel Street in the heart of Mystic and I'm surrounded by few empty homes with out of town residents occupying their home only a few weeks a year, by local people living downtown and by STR's owners leaving next to their STRs or away from them. I'm a every day witness of what is happening downtown. Few neighbors are complaining of noises and parking issues. I do believe that noises and parking issue is not the result of STRs but more of growing pains coming from a small village that is becoming a popular spot for tourists coming from NY,Boston and several surrounding states. With a great museum, the aquarium and 18 restaurants, shops and other few activities this is one of few places in the East coast to come and enjoy a nice weekend. Let's work together and find a solution for parking and loud people coming out of the bars and restaurants late at night.STR's are bringing between 22 and 30 millions $ of revenue each year to the town economy. This number is without the revenue to the owner of STRs or taxes going to the State but only the money spent by guests in local restaurants and shops and museum etc. Groton and Stonington worked really hard in the last 10 years to be successful. Now that Mystic is a destination let's work together to make this town a good and fun place to be. Please check https://mystichostsassociation.com for more stories and facts on STRs. let's not forget that we are a beautiful small village situated between 2 of the biggest cities in America. This will attract people one way or the other. Lets work together to make Mystic an even better place!!!!

Thank you to the ZPC and Horsley Witten Group for their work and for opening the discussion on this issue.

Arnaud Bourgeois

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