Community Tree Inventory and Mapping Plan

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What is a Tree Inventory and Community Forest Mapping?

We'll work with our partners to take count of the 5,000-7,000 street trees along Town-owned public spaces - roads, parks, or adjacent to public schools. Inventorying will include species, size, location visible defects, general health of the tree and management implications (avoiding wires, utilities, buildings)

The Community Forest Management Plan will use community input to determine which trees are most desirable and valuable to add to Groton residents. We also need community involvement to establish a Tree Legacy program designed to raise funds to increase future tree planting.

Why Do a Tree Inventory?

Tree conservation builds sustainability and resiliency against the impacts of climate change, and conservation of natural resources is one of the four pillars of the Parks and Recreation Department.


Town of Groton (TOG) Parks and Recreation, TOG Public Works, TOG Planning and Development, TOG Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and CN Utility Consulting (CNUC). CNUC is an industry leader providing innovative, economically sensible, and environmentally sustainable vegetation management for municipalities and utility services.

What is a Tree Inventory and Community Forest Mapping?

We'll work with our partners to take count of the 5,000-7,000 street trees along Town-owned public spaces - roads, parks, or adjacent to public schools. Inventorying will include species, size, location visible defects, general health of the tree and management implications (avoiding wires, utilities, buildings)

The Community Forest Management Plan will use community input to determine which trees are most desirable and valuable to add to Groton residents. We also need community involvement to establish a Tree Legacy program designed to raise funds to increase future tree planting.

Why Do a Tree Inventory?

Tree conservation builds sustainability and resiliency against the impacts of climate change, and conservation of natural resources is one of the four pillars of the Parks and Recreation Department.


Town of Groton (TOG) Parks and Recreation, TOG Public Works, TOG Planning and Development, TOG Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and CN Utility Consulting (CNUC). CNUC is an industry leader providing innovative, economically sensible, and environmentally sustainable vegetation management for municipalities and utility services.

  • The Town of Groton invites residents to participate in a community survey about your community trees and greenspaces. Participation is voluntary and by participating you provide consent to include your response in a summarized set of findings. Your response is anonymous and no information will be collected to relate your answers to you. We anticipate you can complete the questionnaire in less than five minutes, however, there is no time limit to complete. The following definitions may help you respond: Community refers to the Town of Groton; Neighborhood refers to the location you live in; Public spaces include parks, Town-owned properties, areas along roads and sidewalks; Resident refers to a person who lives in the Town of Groton. Thank you in advance for participating. Your response will provide valuable information to better manage the tree population in the Town of Groton.

    Take Survey
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  • El poblado de Groton invita a los residentes a participar en una encuesta comunitaria sobre los árboles y espacios verdes de su comunidad. La participación es voluntaria y al participar usted brinda su consentimiento para incluir su respuesta en un conjunto resumido de hallazgos. Su respuesta es anónima y no se recopilará ninguna información para relacionar sus respuestas con usted. Anticipamos que puede completar el cuestionario en menos de cinco minutos; sin embargo, no hay límite de tiempo para completarlo. Las siguientes definiciones pueden ayudarle a responder: Comunidad se refiere a la ciudad de Groton; Barrio se refiere al lugar donde vive; Los espacios públicos incluyen parques, propiedades de propiedad municipal, áreas a lo largo de carreteras y aceras; Residente se refiere a una persona que vive en la ciudad de Groton. Gracias de antemano por participar. Su respuesta proporcionará información valiosa para gestionar mejor la población de árboles en la ciudad de Groton.

    Participar en una encuesta
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Page last updated: 21 Nov 2024, 06:22 AM