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Consultation has concluded
In this "Internet of Things" (IoT) era, we are using a record number of devices, from our smart speakers to our coffee makers and even our cars. All of this computing requires data processing. That kind of data processing occurs at a data center.
In order to develop regulations for locating data centers, the Town of Groton Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) engaged in a lengthy public process that has been documented on this project page. After a final public hearing in June 2023, new Data Center regulations were adopted, as reflected in the current zoning:
In this "Internet of Things" (IoT) era, we are using a record number of devices, from our smart speakers to our coffee makers and even our cars. All of this computing requires data processing. That kind of data processing occurs at a data center.
In order to develop regulations for locating data centers, the Town of Groton Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) engaged in a lengthy public process that has been documented on this project page. After a final public hearing in June 2023, new Data Center regulations were adopted, as reflected in the current zoning:
Consultant will lead workshops to brainstorm proposed regulation language with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Workshops will be open to the public and recorded via zoom. The next workshop is scheduled for September 21, 7pm. The last workshop was held August 11, 2022. These workshops will continue through the Fall of 2022 and are archived under the "Videos" portion of this page, via YouTube.
PZC Finalizes Proposed Language & Submits a Zoning Text Amendment Application
Data Centers in Groton has finished this stage
PZC will schedule a public hearing on the proposed text amendments.
Public Hearing on Proposed Regulation
Data Centers in Groton has finished this stage
PZC will accept public testimony at this time.
Adoption, Modification, or Denial of Regulations
Data Centers in Groton is currently at this stage
This takes place after the hearing is closed and they cannot take additional comment from the public. PZC will make a decision on the application and set an effective date if adopted.