Parking in Mystic

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Downtown Mystic is a major New England tourism destination.

Visitation to the area is at an all-time high as exciting shops and restaurants open and draw visitors from well beyond Connecticut’s borders.
While we welcome both residents and visitors enjoying all that Mystic has to offer, and appreciate the support for our local businesses and nonprofits, it has placed growing pressure on the parking supply. The Towns of Groton and Stonington jointly commissioned a study to identify effective parking strategies to better manage and improve parking conditions for customers, visitors, employees and residents of Downtown Mystic.

The complete study, as well as a video presentation of the findings, can be found on this page.

We also want to hear from you! What have been your experiences in Mystic? Do you have any ideas on what might help? Let's know using the tools below!

Downtown Mystic is a major New England tourism destination.

Visitation to the area is at an all-time high as exciting shops and restaurants open and draw visitors from well beyond Connecticut’s borders.
While we welcome both residents and visitors enjoying all that Mystic has to offer, and appreciate the support for our local businesses and nonprofits, it has placed growing pressure on the parking supply. The Towns of Groton and Stonington jointly commissioned a study to identify effective parking strategies to better manage and improve parking conditions for customers, visitors, employees and residents of Downtown Mystic.

The complete study, as well as a video presentation of the findings, can be found on this page.

We also want to hear from you! What have been your experiences in Mystic? Do you have any ideas on what might help? Let's know using the tools below!

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    by SEisenbeiser, over 2 years ago
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Page last updated: 21 Feb 2024, 04:50 AM