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Update: An application has been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission (REGA23-0001, Short Term Rental Zoning Text Amendments). A public hearing was held on January 9, 2024. The application was approved on the April 9, 2024 meeting and will be effective on May 15, 2024.
If you like to travel, you've probably heard of VRBO or Airbnb-style short-term rentals (STRs). You may also rent out a vacation home, a portion of your home, or the neighborhood that you live in may be impacted by a STR. Residential housing is being used in many different ways, one of which is to rent that home for short periods of time. STRs were once a niche way to travel, but are now available for rent all over the world.
The Town of Groton is considering ways to regulate STRs. What you might not know is that at this time, the State of Connecticut has no legislation in place regulating short term rentals statewide. Historically, Groton hasn’t regulated them either.So to keep up with the demand, regulation of these properties must be done through a change to our zoning regulations or development of a new town ordinance.
Zoning Regulations provide rules about how a piece of land or property can be used, how large a building can be, whether a business can be opened on a property, as well as establishing parking, landscaping and lighting requirements. Zoning laws govern issues like site construction, hours of operation, parking requirements, signs, garbage collection, and the like. Zoning could specify which districts allow STRs and can specify how STRs are approved. Zoning can require that a permit is issued to the property, not the operator, and zoning can dictate enforcement through the zoning enforcement officer. Zoning regulations are adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the regulations will only apply to new uses.
A Town Ordinance, on the other hand, would apply to both new STRs and those already operating. It would eliminate the potential for existing properties to claim grandfathered rights to operate STRs and would issue a license to the operator and not the property. An ordinance would also put nuisance enforcement in the hands of the Police. An ordinance is adopted by the Town Council.
Whether we decide on new zoning or an ordinance, to develop these new regulations for STR's Groton is engaging the Horsley Witten Group to seek solutions that protect public interests and meet the needs of all residents. We strive to create regulations that generate inclusive opportunities for local wealth-creation, while still balancing the needs of all members of the community.
Please take a look around this page. You will find a project timeline, links to documents, staff contacts, and opportunities to leave feedback throughout the project.
Thank you for your interest and participation!
Update: An application has been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission (REGA23-0001, Short Term Rental Zoning Text Amendments). A public hearing was held on January 9, 2024. The application was approved on the April 9, 2024 meeting and will be effective on May 15, 2024.
If you like to travel, you've probably heard of VRBO or Airbnb-style short-term rentals (STRs). You may also rent out a vacation home, a portion of your home, or the neighborhood that you live in may be impacted by a STR. Residential housing is being used in many different ways, one of which is to rent that home for short periods of time. STRs were once a niche way to travel, but are now available for rent all over the world.
The Town of Groton is considering ways to regulate STRs. What you might not know is that at this time, the State of Connecticut has no legislation in place regulating short term rentals statewide. Historically, Groton hasn’t regulated them either.So to keep up with the demand, regulation of these properties must be done through a change to our zoning regulations or development of a new town ordinance.
Zoning Regulations provide rules about how a piece of land or property can be used, how large a building can be, whether a business can be opened on a property, as well as establishing parking, landscaping and lighting requirements. Zoning laws govern issues like site construction, hours of operation, parking requirements, signs, garbage collection, and the like. Zoning could specify which districts allow STRs and can specify how STRs are approved. Zoning can require that a permit is issued to the property, not the operator, and zoning can dictate enforcement through the zoning enforcement officer. Zoning regulations are adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the regulations will only apply to new uses.
A Town Ordinance, on the other hand, would apply to both new STRs and those already operating. It would eliminate the potential for existing properties to claim grandfathered rights to operate STRs and would issue a license to the operator and not the property. An ordinance would also put nuisance enforcement in the hands of the Police. An ordinance is adopted by the Town Council.
Whether we decide on new zoning or an ordinance, to develop these new regulations for STR's Groton is engaging the Horsley Witten Group to seek solutions that protect public interests and meet the needs of all residents. We strive to create regulations that generate inclusive opportunities for local wealth-creation, while still balancing the needs of all members of the community.
Please take a look around this page. You will find a project timeline, links to documents, staff contacts, and opportunities to leave feedback throughout the project.
This survey is part of the ongoing effort to understand the views and experiences of Groton residents regarding Short-Term Rentals. It will take only a few minutes but it will provide town leaders and decision makers with valuable information about the best path forward.
Thank you for your input, and be sure to share this survey with others so we can hear from a broad segment of the Groton community.
Short Term Rentals in Groton has finished this stage
Consultant will lead workshops to brainstorm proposed regulation language with the Planning and Zoning Commission. The next workshop is scheduled for September 21, 7pm. The last workshop was held August 11, 2022 and recorded. Past workshops can be found under "videos" on this page, via Youtube.
PZC Finalizes Proposed Language & Submits a Zoning Text Amendment Application
Short Term Rentals in Groton has finished this stage
PZC will schedule a public hearing on the proposed text amendments.
Public Hearing on Proposed Regulation- Jan 9, 2023
Short Term Rentals in Groton has finished this stage
PZC will be holding a public hearing on January 9, 2024 at 7pm. They will accept public testimony at this time.
Adoption, Modification, or Denial of Regulations
Short Term Rentals in Groton is currently at this stage
This takes place after the hearing is closed and they cannot take additional comment from the public. PZC will make a decision on the application and set an effective date if adopted.