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Groton’s 2022 Recreation Needs Assessment clearly showed that among Groton Parks and Recreation's most used resources are the Town’s trails and pathways. In conducting the Assessment, residents told us that their top priority is increasing trail and pathway connectivity and waterfront access. Given this direction from the community, the Town launched a Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan project. This project is being directed by the Town and its Complete Streets Committee with support of FHI Studio, the lead consultant for this work.
Creating this Master Plan will involve researching and collecting data on existing conditions of our streets, trails, and pathways as it relates to bicycle and pedestrian use and accessibility, engaging the community to learn of their specific desires, producing conceptual plans and ultimately, an action plan to achieve the determined goals and objectives. We anticipate using the Master Plan to pursue grant funding to assist in implementing the Plan’s recommendations.
The project launched in January of 2024 and will be active throughout the year with completion of the plan expected by the end of the year. The community will have an opportunity to participate in this process by taking an online survey, attending a public workshop, and attending a public presentation. Pleased stay tuned for announcements of those events!
Groton’s 2022 Recreation Needs Assessment clearly showed that among Groton Parks and Recreation's most used resources are the Town’s trails and pathways. In conducting the Assessment, residents told us that their top priority is increasing trail and pathway connectivity and waterfront access. Given this direction from the community, the Town launched a Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan project. This project is being directed by the Town and its Complete Streets Committee with support of FHI Studio, the lead consultant for this work.
Creating this Master Plan will involve researching and collecting data on existing conditions of our streets, trails, and pathways as it relates to bicycle and pedestrian use and accessibility, engaging the community to learn of their specific desires, producing conceptual plans and ultimately, an action plan to achieve the determined goals and objectives. We anticipate using the Master Plan to pursue grant funding to assist in implementing the Plan’s recommendations.
The project launched in January of 2024 and will be active throughout the year with completion of the plan expected by the end of the year. The community will have an opportunity to participate in this process by taking an online survey, attending a public workshop, and attending a public presentation. Pleased stay tuned for announcements of those events!
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Project Stages
Project Management
Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan has finished this stage
Twice monthly virtual project management meetings and a guided tour of the Town.
Data Collection & Existing Conditions Research
Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan has finished this stage
Reviewing plans, studies, policies; Inventorying map, bicycle and pedestrian facilities;
Collecting and mapping traffic data such as crash data, volume, speeds, etc.
Conduct a bicycle and pedestrian demand analysis
Community Engagement
Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan is currently at this stage
Community Workshops; Focus Group Meetings; Public Meetings (final presentations)
Complete Streets Network
this is an upcoming stage for Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan
Produce a Network Map identifying new and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities and connections; address identified safety concerns
Complete Streets Facility Concept Plans
this is an upcoming stage for Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan
Identify up to three Complete Streets demonstration projects that may focus on specific intersections, street segments, trail crossings, traffic calming, etc.
Complete Streets Toolbox
this is an upcoming stage for Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan
The toolbox will include information specific to all measures recommended by the Complete Streets Network Plan
Action Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan
Actions recommended for the Town to follow with specific measures, time frames, urgency levels of improvements, and responsible parties
Final Report
this is an upcoming stage for Complete Streets and Trails Master Plan
Final Report will consist of
1) Town-Wide Complete Streets Network Map 2) Matrix of Roadway Improvements 3) Concept Plans for up to Five Projects 4) Conceptual Design of up to Three Demonstration Projects 5) Complete Streets Toolbox 6) Action Plan