Main Street Noank Road Reconstruction

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The Town of Groton has a quintessential coastal Main Street in Noank Village, but it requires some improvements. The Town would like to address deficiencies in existing pavement conditions, improve pedestrian connectivity and ADA accessibility, enhance streetscaping features, implement complete streets strategies, and improve stormwater quality entering the Long Island Sound. Input and support of the community will be key to the project’s success. Key dates are available on this webpage. Updates will be provided throughout the duration of this project with updates on events and documents through the news feed. There are multiple ways to offer feedback on this website through the map, public input, survey, news feed, quick polls, or email links. Use one or use them all!

The Town of Groton has a quintessential coastal Main Street in Noank Village, but it requires some improvements. The Town would like to address deficiencies in existing pavement conditions, improve pedestrian connectivity and ADA accessibility, enhance streetscaping features, implement complete streets strategies, and improve stormwater quality entering the Long Island Sound. Input and support of the community will be key to the project’s success. Key dates are available on this webpage. Updates will be provided throughout the duration of this project with updates on events and documents through the news feed. There are multiple ways to offer feedback on this website through the map, public input, survey, news feed, quick polls, or email links. Use one or use them all!

  • Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 which improvements you would like to see within this project area with 10 being most important and 1 being least important. 

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Page last updated: 04 Dec 2024, 08:00 AM